Mainly it’s all about you, your current lending and your future dreams, aspirations and goals, making sure you have the ideal loan to suit you. Then checking to ensure you have the features within your loan at the right price.
Good ears are essential to a Home Loan Review. We need to sit and listen while you tell us what it is you are trying to achieve with your property finance. Once we know your short and long term goals whether it’s as simple as “we want to get out of debt as soon as possible” or “within the next two years we want to start a property portfolio” we can then give you smart mortgage advice.
To review your home loan we’ll look into your current loan, how much you owe, what interest rate and fees you are paying and if the loan has a fixed or variable interest rate and term. Every loan product has differing features that you may or may not be paying for, do these suit your needs?
We need to know about your income to ensure you fit the banks criteria for lending. Mostly we can learn this from your latest pay slip or your last year’s financials and tax return.
Lastly is for us to check through our list of over 28 lenders to see if we have a loan that suits you better. It could be your current loan suits you just fine and there is no better product out there for you. Fantastic, you’ve done well. Go home and put it in your diary to check with us again in 12 months because the banking industry is changing every day at the moment.
But it could be that you have a loan you signed for some 2 or more years ago and now that the whole banking scene has changed there is a product out there that can save you thousands. A simple loan application is completed.
Allow around an hour of time for the whole process, bring with you as much information as you can to make the whole process more accurate. Anything from the following list will help.
1) Last two payslips
2) Copy of your last home loan bank statement
3) A statement showing the balance owed on any loans you may have, car, furniture, bank cards etc etc
4) A copy of your shire rates notice
5) Drivers licence and passport
And did we tell you there is no charge for our service! We’re here to help you win in the bank battle ground so please send us an email, a text, or give us a call.